Team Picture Day is Sunday, Oct. 17th at Lambeth Community Centre
Schedule will be announced Oct. 3rd.
Lambeth Minor Hockey Association
Lambeth On
September 22nd 2010
To: Coaches & Managers,
Subject: Pictures
This seasons hockey pictures will take place on Sunday October 17th at the Lambeth Community Centre. The picture schedule will be distributed on Oct 3rd.
Each registered player will receive a team and individual picture (8 x 10 format as previous years). Parents will have the option of ordering additional pictures if they so choose – order forms will be available shortly.
I will also be looking for volunteers to help out with organizing each team as they arrive and making sure that all of their forms are filled out correctly before the pictures are started. If you know of any parent that would like to get in their 4 hours of volunteer time please have them contact me at [email protected] by Oct 3rd. Since this is a one day event I will only require 4 volunteers to help keep teams together and make sure they are ready for their turn.
Thanks in advance,
Tania Carpenter