MHAL offers financial assistance to provide a child with the opportunity to play hockey who otherwise may not be able to participate. This yearly fund is intended to be distributed to families who are experiencing some financial hardships (ie., job loss, lower income due to illness, or unforeseen family situations). The amount of money received is dependent on each individual case and the need within the Association.
To apply for financial assistance from Lambeth Minor Hockey please complete the form by clicking on the link below:
Financial Assistance Application Form
This form may be filled out by the family in need or an individual can submit this form as a nomination to a family in need.
Also, please note that assistance with registration fees may be available from several other sources:
1. Local Organizations:
In an effort to ensure kids can play hockey within their community, MHAL has limited funds available for financial assistance for families in need. Please email the appropriate registrar with your request. All requests will be kept private.
2. Oneida Band Sport Subsidy:
Qualified registrants may apply to the Oneida Band which may grant fee subsidies based on your request to them and they will pay MHAL a portion of the fees on your behalf.
3. Local and National Charities:
There are local and national organizations with assistance programs that the registrant can apply for
(e.g. KidSport London, Canadian Tire Jumpstart).
The purpose of KidSport London is to help local kids overcome social and economic barriers, which have prevented
or limited their participation in sport, through issuance of registration fee and/or equipment grants.
Please click on link below for more details: - KidSport London

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is a national charity that helps to identify and support community-based programs that give a boost to financially challenged families across Canada.
Please click on link below for more details: