Organization Contact List (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

PrintOrganization Contact List
Executive - Officers
4 contacts
Jon Whitlock
David Bruno
Vice President
Vacant Vacant
Addy Coughlin
Executive - Directors
9 contacts
Shannon Conliffe
Vice President Hockey Operations
Craig Cooper
Past President
Jon Theurer
Ice Convenor
Jana Shouldice
Registrar - OMHA Initiation/Rep/Local League teams
Cheryl DeValk
Registrar - OWHA Girls teams
Jamie Cashen
IP Convenor
Mandy Hunphrey and Marcel Rintoul
Local League Convenor
Frank Boyes
Girls Team Convenor
Vacant Vacant
Rep Convenor
Staff (non-voting)
5 contacts
Lisa Cooper
Sponsorship Coordinator
Kyle McVey
Development Coordinator
Vacant Vacant
Equipment Manager
Vacant Vacant
Communications Officer
Dawn Perani and Jeremy DeValk
Website Administrators
Other Organization Contacts
1 contact
Jason Arsenault
Referee Convenors
Mandy Humprey
Local League Convenor
Rob Mugford
Rep Convenor
Jocelyn Aarts
Girls Hockey Convenor
Kevin Spicer
Head Coach
Paul Bray
Head Coach
Rachel Clack
Head Coach
JD McFarlane
Head Coach
Nick Graham
Head Coach
CJ Ireland
Head Coach
Derek Folk
Head Coach
Jeremy deValk
Head Coach
Jamie Cashen
IP Convenor