$6,000 Raffle Winners, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Dec 05, 2010 | Betty Anne Flaherty | 2127 views
$6,000 Raffle Winners
The draw for $6,000 in cash prizes took place at 12 Noon Saturday Dec. 4th in Lambeth arena.  The winners have been notified and are....

$1,000.00 each to:
Donna & Doug Chard - #5215 Major Midget team
Robert Scott - #1613
Matt Stiller - #2975 Midget LL team
Pete Pol - #2071 Novice #3 LL team
$500.00 each to:
Elaine Mansfield - #2739 Midget LL team
Jordyn Hill - #3728 Novice LL #1 team
Ryan Cornelius - #1948 Novice LL #3 team
Terry Nelson - #0378 Tyke Boston team

Congratulations to all our winners!
Lambeth Rod & Tackle
Lambeth Rod & Tackle 2404 Main St London ON N6P 1R2 Phone: (519) 652-5598 Prop: Steve Plaskett
Lambeth Chiropratic & Wellness Centre
Lambeth Chiropratic & Wellness Centre 2453 Main Street P.O. Box 1273, Stn. Lambeth London, ON N6P 1R2 Phone: 519-652-5597 Email: [email protected]
Sticks & Scones Cakes and Baked Goods
Sticks & Scones Cakes and Baked Goods 2490 Main St. Lambeth London, ON N6P 0C8 Phone: 519-203-1995 Email: [email protected]
Lambeth Legion
Lambeth Legion Branch 501 7097 Kilbourne Rd, Lambeth, Ontario N6P1K5 519 652 3412
Thomas Brothers Farm & Market
Thomas Brothers Farm & Market 5856 Colonel Talbot Rd London, ON N6P 1J1 Tel: (519) 652-5551
What's The Scoop
What's The Scoop (Lambeth) Ice Cream by Andy's Address: 2490 Main St, London, ON N6P 1A7 Phone: (226) 580-7330