Mar 21, 2011 | MHAL Secretary | 6547 views
New MHAL Executive & Staff Needed
Please consider joining your MHAL as an executive member or in a staff capacity next season. MHAL is a volunteer organization and new people are welcome to join at the
Annual General Meeting May 16th. The retiring positions are....
The MHAL executive/staff retiring in 2011/2012 season are listed below. Each member has agreed to assist the new MHAL member in the new season to provide a smooth transition. Please e-mail: [email protected] indicating which position you are interested in helping out next season. Thank You!
Gatekeeper (Sally Baughman)
- responsible for providing staff to collect gate fees at Lambeth arena games
Registrar (Sherry Buchanan)
- responsible to adminster player/coach registrations entered in Hockey Canada database
- reconcile registrations to received/outstanding payments with MHAL treasurer
- roster players and coaches to teams at start of season (August to November)
Local League Convenor (Roger Polgar)
- responsible for the teams participating in the Lambton-Middlesex Local League (OMHA-LMLL)
Competitive Convenor (Fred Bauer)
- responsible for the teams participating in the Shamrock League (OMHA-Rep)
Girls Convenor (Denise Dafoe)
- responsible for the teams participating in the Western Ontario Girls Hockey League (OWHA-WOGHL)
Each of the league team convenors is expected to:
- attend monthly league and MHAL meetings
- co-ordinate team ice schedule for games and practices with MHAL Ice Convenor
- ensure team coaches and players are selected and adhere to OMHA/OWHA regulations
- provide resources as needed to teams throughout the season