Dec 13, 2014 | Lambeth Minor Hockey | 7367 views
MHAL Raffle Winners
The MHAL 2014 Raffle (license# 750826) was held 11am Saturday, Dec. 13th at Lambeth Arena. The nine lucky winners are:
$1000 Cash Prize Winners
#2005 - Olav Natvik (Tyke Toronto)
#2950 - Paul Nellin (Midget LL)
#5012 - Luis Fram (Novice B)
#5785 - Mike Witt (Atom AE)
$500 Cash Prize Winners
#4477 Mina Morgan (Peewee B)
#4045 Candace Loosley (Peewee LL)
#0098 Amy Bax (Atom Girls)
#5002 D. Rock (Novice B)
#2681 D. Hedley
Congratulations to all winners! You will be contacted by telephone to arrange prize receipt.
Thanks to everyone that participated. Good Luck next season!