Tyke Tiered Rosters Announced!, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Sep 16, 2018 | Lambeth Minor Hockey | 1605 views
Tyke Tiered Rosters Announced!
We would like to thank everyone for the last two days of evaluations. Especially, the coaches & evaluators for taking the time with this group. Lambeth Minor Hockey are pleased to announce the following rosters & coaches for upcoming season.

Maroon 1 Coach: Brad Esler
Carter Berto
Emerson Grove
Reid Shouldice
Gavin Richards
Lachlan Novakowski
Kieran Esler
Levi Dunn
Blake Hammond

White 2 Coach: Graig Richter
Brodie Devalk
Ryder Marcy
Russell Richter
Hudson Morningstar
Cody Barr
Lukiyan Moukhine
Evan Bell
Kyson McInnis
Lincoln Mugford

Blue 3 Coach: Matt Conliffe

Dredyn Powless
Harrison Hall
Matteo Massa
Cameron Ford
Mya Sideris
Colten Jones
Elijah Malabanan
Declan Conliffe

Please refer to the website for all our practices, including upcoming one on Thursday, September 20th @ 5:30pm. You will also be contacted by your coach over the next few days with a welcome email & all the season info.
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