OHF Released Updated Return to Hockey Framework, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Aug 02, 2020 | christakarr | 5132 views
OHF Released Updated Return to Hockey Framework
The OHF released an update to its Return to Hockey Framework on Friday.  As we move into Stage 3 of Return to Hockey, the OHF is providing a number of options: "As the OHF progresses to Stage 3 Modified Programming for the foreseeable future, OHF Members and Minor Hockey Associations (MHAs) will have different levels of preparedness and readiness which means the pace at which they move through the OHF Return to Hockey Framework will vary". 

MHAL must now await further instructions from OMHA/OWHA and then from our leagues Shamrock, Lambton Middlesex Local League, Western Ontario Girls Hockey League and Lower Lakes Female Hockey League.

Click below for the link to the article.
Return to Hockey Framework
Herm's Sport Exchange
Address: 820 Wharncliffe Road South (Behind Tiger Jack's) London, Ontario N6J 2N4, Phone: 519-649-0600 Fax: 519-649-5087 BUSINESS HOURS: Weekdays 10 am to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home 2240 Wharncliffe Rd S. London, ON N6P 1L1 Phone: (519) 652-2020
Village Pantry Restaurant
Village Pantry Restaurant 2473 Main St London, ON N6P 1P9 Phone: (519) 652-7008 Prop: Rob Annable
Tommy's Motors
Tommy's Motors (James Shields) 2268 Wharncliffe Road South London, Ontario N6P 1L1 Email: [email protected] Phone: (519) 652-5761
What's The Scoop
What's The Scoop (Lambeth) Ice Cream by Andy's Address: 2490 Main St, London, ON N6P 1A7 Phone: (226) 580-7330
Lambeth Flyers Hockey Club
Proud Sponsor of Lambeth Minor Hockey