Parent/Guardian Spectator Permitted Starting October 19th, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Oct 17, 2020 | mhalcovidcoordinator | 5022 views
Parent/Guardian Spectator Permitted Starting October 19th
Starting on Monday October 19th, the City will allow one parent/guardian per participant to stay and watch their child on the ice.  There are a few important guidelines everyone must follow:

  • We are limited to one parent/guardian per participant. This rule will be strictly enforced. There are a maximum of 20 spectators permitted in the arena and therefore we cannot allow additional parents, guardians, grandparents or other siblings of the participant to stay in the arena.
  • Every parent/guardian that enters the arena is required to complete the City of London COVID Health assessment and present it to our staff at the front entrance. This form will be reviewed by our staff prior to allowing you to enter the arena.
  • Upon entry use the hand sanitizer at the entrance to the arena
  • If you are assisting your child to get ready to go on the ice we ask that you stay in the dressing room with your child until it is their ice time. Once the child goes onto the ice surface you may proceed to the designated viewing area and social distance from the others in that area.
  • If you are not assisting your child to get ready we ask that you ONLY enter at the start of their ice time and go directly to the designated viewing area and social distance from the others in that area. Attached is the designated spectator area for Lambeth and Bostwick Arena.
  • At the conclusion of the ice time you are to leave the arena immediately.
  • NO outside food or drink is permitted into the arena including coffee, tea, etc.
  • Masks are to be worn at all times while in the arena.
  • No gathering in the lobby or other common areas

It is REALLY important to emphasize the need for everyone to follow these rules. The City wants to allow the parents to enter to watch but if the rules are not being followed, this will be revisited.


Thanks for you help in following the above guidelines so we can safely watch our kids on the ice!




McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home 2240 Wharncliffe Rd S. London, ON N6P 1L1 Phone: (519) 652-2020
What's The Scoop
What's The Scoop (Lambeth) Ice Cream by Andy's Address: 2490 Main St, London, ON N6P 1A7 Phone: (226) 580-7330
Herm's Sport Exchange
Address: 820 Wharncliffe Road South (Behind Tiger Jack's) London, Ontario N6J 2N4, Phone: 519-649-0600 Fax: 519-649-5087 BUSINESS HOURS: Weekdays 10 am to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm
Gerry's Truck Centre
Gerry's Truck Centre 4049 Eastgate Crescent London, ON N6L 1B7 Phone: 519-652-2100 Email: [email protected]
A & M Garden Centre
A & M Garden Centre London 4171 Colonel Talbot Road North London, Ontario N6P 1A1 Phone: 519-652-3539 E-mail: [email protected]