Dec 11, 2020 | christakarr | 1666 views
All Hockey Paused as of Monday, December 14th
Dear Hockey Parents, Coaches and Players,
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to keeping our community safe. As you know, the Minor Hockey Association of Lambeth (MHAL) falls within the catchment of the Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU). We follow guidelines and protocols determined by our partners in Public Health and the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), working together for the health and safety of our players and coaches.
The COVID-19 response framework developed by the Government of Ontario includes targeted, preventative public health measures and restrictions that can be introduced and removed as needed for each region, based on data and other indicators. Effective 12:01AM, Monday, December 14, 2020 MLHU is in the red zone.
The MHAL Executive, in consultation with coaching staff and an all Board discussion, has decided to pause all hockey activities indefinitely as of Monday, December 14, 2020.
The Board will revisit this decision in early 2021. This pause will allow the Executive to work to ensure that any return to play possibilities in January will be implemented in a safe manner that reflects the most up to date guidance from the MLHU and OHF. We hope to resume at a later date and offer the remaining weeks in Session 2.
Thanks for your continued support and understanding through these challenging times.
Christa Fisher Craig Cooper
MHAL President MHAL Vice-President