Registration Update, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Jul 05, 2021 | smorningstar | 3129 views
Registration Update
Hello Lancer Families,

We know you have been anxiously waiting for information on registration and we wanted to give you an update.

Covid concerns continue to wreak havoc on our planning efforts. There is so much uncertainty surrounding indoor sports once the cooler weather returns and we are now facing the additional challenge of a possible shortage of ice, due to some of the local arena's being turned into Covid testing and vaccination sites. Because of these unknowns, we are finding it incredibly difficult to plan the season this early in the summer.

Therefore, we will postpone opening registration until August and will make decisions based on the information we receive once the province moves into Stage 3. Last season was filled with so many last-minute changes and was incredibly difficult to put together. We want to make sure we are giving our skaters the best season possible given the circumstances.

Important things to note:


  • Because registration is beginning so late in the summer, there will be a SHORT window to register. Opening August 1, it will close on August 15 or when we reach our normal capacity for an age group. Register early to avoid disappointment.
  • Full payment will be due at the time of registration– please plan accordingly for this if you typically pay in installments.
  • For Boys Hockey ONLY: Due to the new Hockey Canada Registration system, each parent/guardian registering a participant within the boys program will need to create a new account. More details and instructions will be provided at time registration opens.
  • Registration reminders will be posted on social media and the website – keep checking the website if you do not have social media.
  • Updated fees, refund policy and other important information will be posted when registration opens – please familiarize yourself with the details prior to registering.


  • Due to Boys AAA tryouts happening in the fall, the boys season will not start until the end of September with tryouts happening shortly beforehand. WOGHL season start will be announced soon.
  • We need coaches and volunteers! Coaching applications are due July 15th – please reach out to the convenor that best aligns with the age group you wish to coach for.
  • We are fully committed to trying to provide a “normal” hockey season. However, as this situation remains fluid, we may be forced to make last minute revisions to our plans. Your patience with our program and our volunteers is appreciated.
  • There is the possibility that we will be able to run some pre-season development skates *more details to follow as information regarding ice availability and Stage 3 becomes available to us*

Thank you,

Lambeth Minor Hockey Executive Members
Sticks & Scones Cakes and Baked Goods
Sticks & Scones Cakes and Baked Goods 2490 Main St. Lambeth London, ON N6P 0C8 Phone: 519-203-1995 Email: [email protected]
What's The Scoop
What's The Scoop (Lambeth) Ice Cream by Andy's Address: 2490 Main St, London, ON N6P 1A7 Phone: (226) 580-7330
Main Street Family Dental
Main Street Family Dental 2454 Main St Unit 2-3 London, ON N6P 1P9 Tel: (519) 203-6246 E-mail: [email protected]
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home 2240 Wharncliffe Rd S. London, ON N6P 1L1 Phone: (519) 652-2020
Village Pantry Restaurant
Village Pantry Restaurant 2473 Main St London, ON N6P 1P9 Phone: (519) 652-7008 Prop: Rob Annable