Coach Selection & Volunteer Announcements, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Aug 07, 2021 | smorningstar | 6121 views
Coach Selection & Volunteer Announcements
We would like to thank everyone who has expressed interest and applied for a coaching position for the upcoming hockey season. We're excited to announce our 2021/22 Coaches:

Rep Coaches

U9: Erin Austin
U11: Matt Conliffe
U13: Jay Legault
U15: Jeff Morrison
U18: Chris Griffith

**AE LL/HL Coaches will be finalized following B Rep Tryouts**

Girls Coaches

U9: Coach Needed
U11: Coach Needed
U15: Coach Needed
U13: Matt Meyer
U18: Paul Bailey

**"C" / HL Coaches will be finalized following B Rep Tryouts**

We look forward to a fun-filled season that is focused on long-term player development. 

We still need coaches!!  Many of our younger age groups require multiple coaches. If you love giving back to your community and making a difference, then this is a great opportunity to get involved. Teams still requiring a coach include many House League teams (IP & Minor Novice) Local League and AE coaches for U9 and above. Please reach out to your convenors if you are able to assist with coaching.

We welcome coaches of all levels and abilities.  All coaches are required to complete Hockey Canada's National Coach Certification Program.  This is a competency-based program, that enables them to build their coaching tools and knowledge of the game, so they can work effectively with their players.  Please fill out the coaches application under the ‘Coaching Application’ Tab if you wish to coach this season.

If we are unable to fill coaching roles for teams, we will not be able to offer programming and a refund will be issued. We are hopeful this will not be the case.

View coaching requirements at this 

MHAL reimburses some of the training costs – please contact us for more details.

Welcome to our new Executive Members:

President: Stacey Morningstar
Hockey Operations/Covid Coordinator: Shannon Conliffe
Secretary: Sherry Berto
Girls Registrar: Kristie Roth Millman
Boys Registrar: Jana Shouldice
Ice Convenor: Jon Theurer
Novice & Below Convenor: David Bruno

We are excited for them to our join our dedicated group of volunteers! The success of our organization depends solely on the support of our many volunteers, on and off the ice! As a reminder, our volunteers are also individuals who hold jobs, manage their households, and have many other responsibilities.  Please be patient with us as we bring our newest executive members up to speed, manage our new registration system, and try to navigate the latest covid-related rules. 

We are always looking for dedicated volunteers. Make a difference in your community and volunteer with us - many different opportunities are available.  Please reach out if you are interested.

Thank you,

Lambeth Minor Hockey Executive Members

Herm's Sport Exchange
Address: 820 Wharncliffe Road South (Behind Tiger Jack's) London, Ontario N6J 2N4, Phone: 519-649-0600 Fax: 519-649-5087 BUSINESS HOURS: Weekdays 10 am to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm
What's The Scoop
What's The Scoop (Lambeth) Ice Cream by Andy's Address: 2490 Main St, London, ON N6P 1A7 Phone: (226) 580-7330
Special T Auto Sales & Service
SpecialTAuto Sales & Service 94 Exeter Rd London, ON N6L 1A2 Phone: (519) 681-2031 Text: 226-374-6775 Contact: Mike Aquino
Lambeth Flyers Hockey Club
Proud Sponsor of Lambeth Minor Hockey