Sep 20, 2021 | smorningstar | 6418 views
Proof of Vaccination Required - City of London Arenas
MHAL wishes to notify participants of the following information that has been provided by the City of London regarding Proof of Vaccination for spectators entering
Lambeth Arena.
Effective September 22, 2021 the City of London will require people to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status to access certain City recreation programs, services and facilities including our Lambeth Arena.
While we have not yet been provided with the process of how the City will handle this process, fully vaccinated Londoners will need their current vaccination receipt alongside a valid piece of identification, such as a driver’s licence , to access these facilities and services.
The receipts can be printed or downloaded from the Provincial government website.
This is a City policy that must be followed if we wish to continue to use their facility.
Please Click Here for City of London details...
Thank you for your continued patience and support
MHAL Executive