Enhanced Vaccine Certificate Required Starting January 4th, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Dec 24, 2021 | mhalcovidcoordinator | 5657 views
Enhanced Vaccine Certificate Required Starting January 4th
As per the new Provincial regulations recently announced, as of January 4, 2022, only the enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code will be accepted to access City of London arenas. Proof of vaccination receipts without the QR code will no longer be accepted. Arena staff are required through the provincial regulation to scan each QR code and match it with a piece of identification for everyone 12 and over prior to entering the arena.  


The QR code can be accessed digitally or by printing a paper copy. To download your digital or print QR code, please visit covid-19.ontario.ca/get-proof. Individuals can also visit their local library or can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 to have their vaccine certificate mailed to them. You can also visit a Service Ontario centre to receive a printed copy.


Please visit the Province of Ontario’s website for a list of frequently asked questions related to the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code.


Additionally, following new Provincial regulation, the City of London will be strengthening the verification process for medical exemptions by requiring a certificate with a QR code starting January 10, 2022. For more information, please visit https://london.ca/VaccineProof.


Please note that all existing COVID-19 regulations including mask wearing and completing a health screening prior to entry into a facility remain in place.


Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation as city staff move forward with these new requirements

Gerry's Truck Centre
Gerry's Truck Centre 4049 Eastgate Crescent London, ON N6L 1B7 Phone: 519-652-2100 Email: [email protected]
L82 Construction
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Lambeth Foodland
Lambeth Foodland 2295 Wharncliffe Rd S London ON N6P 1S7 Phone: 519-652-5532 Prop: Robert Park
Barnes Family Restauran
7447 Longwoods Road, London, Ontario N6P 1L2 E-mail: [email protected] Hours: 7am-2pm