Upcoming Return to Play Update, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Jan 25, 2022 | smorningstar | 592 views
Upcoming Return to Play Update
Like all of you, we are eagerly awaiting our players return to the ice!

We are aware of the Provincial announcement made by our government, but as of now, the City of London is still awaiting a detailed listing of how local facilities will roll out the reopening according to the latest provincial guidelines.

As soon as we have more information to share, we will! Please continue to check the website and social media for more details in the upcoming days leading up to Jan 31. There are bound to be some process changes that will need to be followed to get the season back up and running. 

Until then, enjoy your time on the ODR, practice your skills in the driveway, and get your gear ready! We will see you soon!

MHAL Executive

Andy's Legendary Pizza
Andy's Legendary Pizza Address: 2478 Main St, Lambeth, ON N6P 1R2 Tel: (519) 245-2525 ext. 4 Online Ordering: https://andyslegendarypizza.mobi2go.com/
Lambeth Rod & Tackle
Lambeth Rod & Tackle 2404 Main St London ON N6P 1R2 Phone: (519) 652-5598 Prop: Steve Plaskett
Lambeth Canadian Oldtimers Hockey Club
Proud sponsor of Lambeth Minor Hockey