Hockey Returns Jan 31!, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Jan 28, 2022 | smorningstar | 4542 views
Hockey Returns Jan 31!
As an update to our earlier post, we can now confirm that our season will resume starting January 31, 2022. As things begins to gradually reopen, please review the facility processes and procedures that have been outlined below. Some of these changes are similar to what we encountered in late fall. 

In accordance with the recent updates from the Ontario Government, the City of London requires everyone entering our home arena to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Everyone 12 and over must provide proof of vaccination to enter the arena. An enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code along with a valid ID will only be accepted as proof of vaccination. Proof of vaccination receipts and medical exemptions without the QR code will no longer be accepted. The QR code can be accessed digitally or by printing a paper copy. To download your digital or print QR code, please visit Individuals can also visit their local library or can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 to have their vaccine certificate mailed to them. You can also visit a Service Ontario centre to receive a printed copy.

  • Spectators will be reduced to 50% - the capacity limits will be monitored by the City Staff and only one spectator per skater will be permitted. It is in ESSENTIAL that spectators only enter at the time of the rental if they are not assisting the participant and to leave immediately after the rental. Please do not congregate in lobby or spectator areas to assist all of us in being compliant with the regulation.

  • Masks must be worn at all times by spectators, and be worn by participants at all times prior to going to the ice surface.
  • The arena will not be open to participants until 30 minutes prior to the start of the game/practice

  • Please continue to use Sportsheadz for player health screenings

  • ALL PLAYERS & SPECTATORS: please do not enter the arena, dressing rooms or spectator area if you are feeling unwell. Our players and programming depend on healthy teams, and we want to limit the spread as much as possible. Please continue to do your part – if you are unwell, have been notified you are a close contact – please do not enter or return to the arena until symptoms have subsided.
Please continue to check the calendar and be prepared for last minute changes as our scheduler works to get practices and games back online. You may notice an influx of games and/or practices throughout the upcoming weeks. 


As every situation we have dealt with has been different so far over these last few months, please be patient with volunteers and arena staff as we all continue to navigate this situation. Please keep in mind this information and the situation can change at any moment. The Middlesex London Health Unit supersedes all other governing bodies and can (and will) impose stricter rules and procedures if they see the need to do so. Please help us keep our players on the ice and follow all processes and procedures.


Thank you,


MHAL Executive

Lambeth Foodland
Lambeth Foodland 2295 Wharncliffe Rd S London ON N6P 1S7 Phone: 519-652-5532 Prop: Robert Park
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home
McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home 2240 Wharncliffe Rd S. London, ON N6P 1L1 Phone: (519) 652-2020
A & M Garden Centre
A & M Garden Centre London 4171 Colonel Talbot Road North London, Ontario N6P 1A1 Phone: 519-652-3539 E-mail: [email protected]
Herm's Sport Exchange
Address: 820 Wharncliffe Road South (Behind Tiger Jack's) London, Ontario N6J 2N4, Phone: 519-649-0600 Fax: 519-649-5087 BUSINESS HOURS: Weekdays 10 am to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm