End of Season Closing Remarks, News (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

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Apr 05, 2022 | smorningstar | 7092 views
End of Season Closing Remarks
Well Lancers, we made it. It is hard to believe how much each of us went through to get our kids back on the ice this season.  

We made it through the ups and the (shut)downs, the always-changing mandates and government regulations, and the never-ending health screenings. Some of you patiently waited outside while your kids skated, some of you had to forgo your beloved coffees while you shivered in the cold (and practically empty) viewing area. It is a true testament to a hockey parents’ devotion to their kids and the game we love.


As we reflect on this past season, there is one thing that we can celebrate: our kids finally played hockey! They didn’t just skate around pylons with the same 10 kids for months on end. This year our Lancers made up for lost time, crushing our competition, winning tournaments, experiencing jamborees, half-ice games, Silversticks, and even sending multiple teams to their Provincial Championships! In the coming weeks, convenors will be able to give a full report of each divisions’ accomplishments, as playoffs and finals are still wrapping up.


We would not have had a season if it had not been for our outstanding group of coaches and volunteers who – despite having jobs, and covid fatigue like everyone else - committed to ensuring that all players had an enjoyable season despite the constant roadblocks we were faced with. If you have not already done so, please thank your volunteers for one of the most grueling seasons so far.

End of Season Housekeeping


January Refund


In response to the pause in hockey prior to Christmas and throughout January, MHAL will be providing a refund for the time lost on the ice. Our registrars will be reaching out to each team individually to coordinate the refunds. Refunds will be issued based on the original payment method and will be completed by April 30th. Please ensure your HCR account (boys) or RAMP account (girls) contains your current credit card details.



As per the Equipment Manager, we would ask that one member from each team reach out to the Shelley to make arrangements for the collection of all the returning gear. Equipment return includes goalie equipment, coaches equipment, first aid kits, and game jerseys with name bars removed and jerseys laundered. To avoid mold growth, please ensure the jerseys are completely dry before putting in the garment bags.


*As in prior years, volunteer refund cheques will be given to each Coach once all equipment has been returned.*


All equipment needs to be returned by the end of April. If anyone has equipment ready now, or this week, please contact Shelley directly.

Permission to Skate Forms – Girls & Boys


For any players in Atom or above that require a permission to skate (PTS) or Non-registered passport form (NRP), they must be signed by the Rep or Girls Convenor. Stay Tuned, Rob Mugfordwill post to the website/social media when the forms are available. Girls will require their form to be signed by CJ Ireland - Girls Convenorif they are trying-out in another Centre.  

Try-Outs – Girls


As we have returned to a 'normal' hockey season, OWHA has directed try-outs to resume in the spring months as in years prior to the pandemic.  Upon conclusion of the 2021-2022 season, the U13, U15 & U18 teams will host try-outs for their respective divisions.  U11 and U9 will follow the player pathway and try-outs will be conducted following the start of the school year.  CJ Ireland will reach out directly to those groups who are affected by this.


Coaches Applications & Interviews


We are in the process of receiving Girls Coaching applications, which are required by April 15. Boys Competitive applications are required by May 15th.  Local League and AE Coaches are encouraged to complete the application; however, coaches will not be selected until after the competitive try-outs are completed. Click here to apply to be a coach for the 2022/23 Season


Rep and Girls Coaches that are chosen for an interview will be contacted by the Coaches Selection Committee and given their time to speak with the committee. If you are unsure where your child might land, apply anyway and we won't hold you to that team if your child makes the team above. 


Annual General Meeting


The annual general meeting of MHAL will be held via zoom on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 7:00 pm.  While we hope to fully return to our standard method of meeting for next season, we recognize that the public health situation may change quickly and thus require us to hold it virtually.


Accordingly, we ask that anyone who wishes to attend the virtual AGM, register for the meeting in advance.  Registration is easy, simply complete the registration form by CLICKING HERE. Those who register will in turn be emailed the link to join the virtual meeting.

The annual general meeting is an opportunity to learn more about and participate in our association.  Reports will be given on the activities and finances of the association for the 2021 season. Elections will also be held for 2022-23 executive positions.  Members in good standing may vote on matters raised at the AGM, including the election of executive members. Each member is permitted one vote.

MHAL Constitutional amendment motions must be submitted in writing to the executive committee. Such a proposal for amendment must be signed by 3 members of the association and may be made by members in good standing if submitted in the prescribed form in order to be confirmed by the Executive committee no later than the executive meeting prior to the AGM and allowing for the provision of the amendment to the membership at least 14 days before the date of the AGM and receive 2/3 majority vote at the AGM.  The notice of motion form can be found by

MHAL By-Law and policy amendment motions may be made by members in good standing if submitted in the prescribed form at least 14 days before (by May 12, 2022) the date of the AGM and endorsed by a majority vote at the AGM. The notice of motion form can be found by CLICKING HERE.




Coaches please take a moment to consider nominating aplayer(s) on your team for an award. The link can be found by CLICKING HERE.


2021/2022 MHAL Parent Survey


As the 2021/22 season comes to a close, please take a moment of your time to complete this survey for each team for which you have a player.  Only one survey is required per family per player.


MHAL values your input and will use this information when planning and preparing for the next season. To complete the survey, CLICK HERE.


Next Season 2022-2023



Registration for our next season will be opening soon.  A separate email will be sent explaining registration details. Details will also be posted on our website as well as Facebook.


No Gate Fees


OMHA has notified its associations that there will be NO gate fees charged for the 2022/2023 season. More details will be shared as they become available.




If you plan to volunteer with us in any capacity, a Police Check is required. Please consider doing this now as there is often a back log in September. The link below will take you to the on-line application form. For individuals wanting to apply directly the London Police Station or an OPP office, please contact the appropriate Convenor for a letter.


Please note, higher level executive roles are always filled internally if possible, as these roles typically require some prior board experience and historical knowledge from prior season. 

Thanks again for your participation in Lambeth Minor Hockey.  Be safe and well Lancers, we are looking forward to seeing everyone back in the fall.






MHAL Executive

Lambeth Flyers Hockey Club
Proud Sponsor of Lambeth Minor Hockey
Lambeth Legion
Lambeth Legion Branch 501 7097 Kilbourne Rd, Lambeth, Ontario N6P1K5 519 652 3412
Herm's Sport Exchange
Address: 820 Wharncliffe Road South (Behind Tiger Jack's) London, Ontario N6J 2N4, Phone: 519-649-0600 Fax: 519-649-5087 BUSINESS HOURS: Weekdays 10 am to 8 pm, Saturday 9 am to 5 pm, Sunday 11 am to 4 pm
Back n Motion
Back n Motion 3010 Colonel Talbot Rd #4 London, ON N6P 0B3 Phone: (519) 668-8855 Email: [email protected]
Lambeth Foodland
Lambeth Foodland 2295 Wharncliffe Rd S London ON N6P 1S7 Phone: 519-652-5532 Prop: Robert Park
What's The Scoop
What's The Scoop (Lambeth) Ice Cream by Andy's Address: 2490 Main St, London, ON N6P 1A7 Phone: (226) 580-7330