Sep 24, 2012 | Don Dickson | 1064 views
Select 7 Team - 2012-13
The first assessment/try-out for the 2012-13 Select 7 team is 7:30am Saturday, Sept. 29th at Nichols Arena. For full details on this team, please...
Hi all!
Lambeth Minor Hockey will again ice a Select 7 team consisting of LL Novice age players born in 2005. Our first assessment/tryout will be Saturday, September 29 7:30-8:30am at NICHOLS ARENA. This team will have an extra practice per week in addition to your LL team practice, play a maximum of 2 extra games per month and 2 Select 7 tournaments throughout the season. Parents are advised that there may be additional costs to playing on this team if your boy/girl is selected.
Thanks. Don Dickson 519-871-5744