MHAL Draw for $6,000 in prizes at 12 Noon Dec. 4th. Contact your team coach or manager to get your tickets during last week of October. Sell tickets to recoup your $100 fund-raising fee and submit completed tickets for your chance to win!
October 18th , 2010
To: Lambeth Minor Hockey Players & Parents
Subject: 2010/2011 Raffle
Our 2010/2011 Raffle will take place Saturday December 4th – 12:00pm noon at the Lambeth Community Centre.
Tickets are currently being printed and will be distributed the last week of October. Tickets will need to be handed in the between November 23rd to 30th.
There will be $6000 worth of prizes this year and they will be distributed as follows:
· 4 x $1000
· 4 x $500
For families with more then one child registered with Lambeth Minor Hockey, raffle tickets will be given to the child to whom you paid the fundraising fee to on the registration form. You will not be required to hand in the money from the raffle ticket sales as you have already paid for them with your registration.
We require four volunteers to assist with the raffle – hand out tickets, collect tickets, etc. If you are interested please email [email protected]
Volunteers will be eligible for volunteer reimbursement.
Good Luck and Happy Selling
Lambeth Minor Hockey