Jan 14, 2019 | brad_kuntz | 1236 views
2019 Novice Langton Tournament Champs
Hard work and determination was our theme this past weekend at the 2019 Langton Leafs tournament, and our kids worked very hard and were determined to bring home another tournament championship.
The kids ended up going 4-0 for the tournament with 34 goals for and 9 against with 1 shut out. We had 6 different goal scorers over the weekend and 8 different players get on the game sheet. The kids hard work showed on the penalty kill all weekend, even killing off a full 5 on 3 where they out chanced the opposition. On 2 occasions when the opposition had scored to tie the game up our the kids were determined to not allow the opposition to take a lead and had scored with in 16 seconds or less to retake the lead.
The coach's are super proud of the effort all the players put forth this past weekend and know they will continue to work hard for the remainder of the season.