Final Team Roster, News, Peewee AE, 2016-2017, Rep (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 21, 2016 | eslota | 1276 views
Final Team Roster
I want to thank everyone for their intensity, focus, and tenacity over the entire tryout process.  You should all be very proud of your efforts.  I was very impressed by your hard work, willingness to take feedback, and eagerness to be your best.  All of which will serve you well this year. 

For those not part of the Pee Wee AE team I wish you all of the best in our Lambeth Local League this year.  Continue to work hard, focus on your development, and enjoy this season. 

Congratulations to the following players who will represent our Lambeth Pee Wee AE team:

Brady David
Connor Stewart
Zachary Vossen
Owen Van Dommelen
Nolan Mandigo
David Michniewicz
Owen Sanders
Lukas Van Oirschot
Lucas Millar
Tyler Jones
Logan Slota
Matthew Milne
Spencer Nicholls
Jonathan Bauer
Austin Mackinnon