Sep 06, 2017 | Pudger01 | 1418 views
Roster for game vs Ingersoll
Thanks to all the players that came out and worked so hard over the last two days. Your effort and hard work really made the choices tough. If you do not see your name below please check the calendar for the Bantam AE tryouts next week. All the players in bold do not have to dress tomorrow, but are encouraged to come out and watch.
T. Brown-Nevin
O. Doran
T. McBean
L. Bailey
B. Bubb-Clarke
C. Graham
P. Pigeon
M. Milne
O. Stewart
S. Nicholls
L. Slota
M. Santagapita
C. Smale
J.T Sheardown
C. Kelly
S. Moir
A. Evans
J. Gosling
J. Goodhew
Coach Miller