Sep 14, 2013 | kreif | 889 views
Novice Tryouts looking good!!!
The Novice tryouts are going really well. I have seen some good improvement from last week with players stepping up their performance in the drills. Thanks to all players for your efforts today over the 2 hours.
Tomorrow we will have an inter-squad scrimmage for the full hour to get the players into a game situation. The ice time is at 2:30 to 3:20 at Nichols arena.
The following players are invited to tomorrows ice time:
1. L. Battersby
2. J. Bauer
3. R. Panziera
4. S. Basilio
5. T. Jones
6. C. Duarte
7. C. Witt
8. D. Devries
9. A. Bailey
10. O. Brown
11. A. MacKinnon
12. K. Connell
13. C. Reif
14. C. Dickson
15. C. MacQueen-Spence
16. W. Walker
17. L. Marshall
18. O. Sanders
19. Z. Vossen
20. N. Nelson
21. B. David
22. M. Ciarrocco