Novice Tryouts Not Over Yet....., News, Novice B, 2013-2014, Rep (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 15, 2013 | kreif | 1254 views
Novice Tryouts Not Over Yet.....
     This week end tryouts have proven to make final decisions a bit more difficult. There has been obvious improvement in some players and this effort has earned them another opportunity to demonstrate their skills.

     I am very impressed with the level of intensity players have shown this week end. Players have really shown determination to making the Novice Rep team and makes my decisions all the more challenging. 
    The next ice time is Wednesday September 18th-  6:00 to 7:00PM at Nichols arena. This is an exhibition game versus St. Thomas. The following players are invited to participate in the game:

1. L. Battersby
2. O. Brown
3. R. Panziera
4. C. Witt
5. J. Bauer
6. C. Duarte
7. T. Jones
8. S. Basilio
9. Z. Vossen
10. C. Dickson
11. C. MacQueen-Spence
12. L. Marshall
13. O. Sanders
14. A. MacKinnon
15. W. Walker
16. B. David
17. M. Ciarrocco
18. N. Nelson- Will not dress
19. C. Reif- Will not dress
