Mar 26, 2014 | cbattersby | 2107 views
Novice Rep team OMHA Champions!!
Congratulations to the Lambeth Novice Boys Rep hockey team for winning the OMHA Novice "B" Western District Championship on March 26th. We are really looking forward to seeing the OMHA Banner hanging in the Lambeth Arena next season!
For full details, please...
The Lambeth Novice Boys Rep team finished their season off in style on Monday evening in Paris with a 4-0 win and finished off the series against a very strong Paris team in 4 games. The boys were determined on this night and I can speak for the coaches and parents, it was an enjoyable night for all of us watching the boys dominate this game from start to finish.
Game #1 - Lambeth 6 - Paris 0
Game #2 - Lambeth 6 - Paris 5
Game #3 - Lambeth 2 - Paris 3 OT
Game #4 - Lambeth 4 - Paris 0 OMHA Champions
This caps off a VERY successful year for these boys as they won the Schomberg tournament, Bob Stark Classic, Regional Silver Stick Champion, International Silver Stick semi finalist and of course OMHA Championship!! The kids were really fun to watch throughout the year and it was fun to see how they all came together as a team and it will be sad to see this team go their separate ways now but we now have the one thing that the kids are parents have in common and can always look back on and that the boys are OMHA Champions!!!
I wish all the boys success wherever they end up playing next year!