Dec 11, 2011 | dmicallef | 686 views
Solid Play Adds to Victories
The Bantam boys have been playing with confidence and it is adding to wins. With solid play from the net out, the Bantam Lancers are 3 wins and a tie since the Ingersoll tournament.
On Saturday December 10th, the Lancers battled the Dorchester Dragons.
The Lancers jumped out to an early lead with John Shore's 3rd of the season and never looked back. Other goal scores were: Nick Brown, Mitchell Wolfs and Ethan Hooper. John Shore had 2 points.
Sunday's battle took place at home against the Belmont Rangers. The team's defense was the key to the teams 2-1 win as they smothered the Rangers offense most of the game. Goals by Kurtis VanDommelen and Justin Buchanan led the way for the Lancer's offense.
Next game is Saturday December 17th vs the St.Marys Rock.