Motor City Madmen!, News, Novice B, 2012-2013, Rep (Lambeth Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 18, 2013 | shelkel | 819 views
Motor City Madmen!
I think dear readership it was the late, great Robert Frost who stated;  I came upon a fork in the road and took the path less taken, I heartily love back bacon.  I have no idea of the meaning of the second part of that stanza (having failed grade twelve English, only to rebound with a journalism degree from no less than the University of Middle Tennessee State at Akron), but the first means take adversity head on and punch it in the groin.  That is just the story of the Lambeth Novice Boys at this recent weekend's Motown Cup.  You may beat this team once Livonia, but in doing so you awoke a pack of hungry, man-eating, take no prisoners, 48 pound (on average) miniature wolves who howled their way to the championship.

The weekend started off as it usually does for this team, on a Friday.  Waiting for them in a fieldhouse (arena for you not familiar with the Yankee dialect) only Ernie Santagapita could appreciate were the Burlington Bulldogs, a very game and confident opponent.  Lambeth went to work early and often, buzzing the net, passing the puck and winning a very entertaining contest 9-1.  The always pugnacious and quoteable Coach Moir stated, "a fine game." The quote that really got this reporter's Hello Kitty scribbler notebook in a tizzy was from Burlington's coach who confidently said after the contest, "we'll see them in the final."  Unfortunately Nostrademus she was not.  A team builder was next in line as fathers and sons went to see the big boys play and hopped on a school bus to the Joe Louis arena.  With frosty beverages and Big Boy sandwiches in hand we watched Anaheim beat Detroit and were delighted to be ushered to the bowls of the arena to meet some stars.  The boys and dads shook and hobknobbed with the likes of Corey Perry. Teemu Selanne, and Bruce Boudreau.  The highlight was Coach Gap showing off his oration skills as he skillfully and eloquently introduced Wing's player Cory Emmerton who happily shook hands and met with each of the boys.  With stars still in their eyes and fast twitch muscles going, well fast, the boys handled their early morning Saturday opponent, Sylvania Maple Leafs 5-2.  A long lay-off of the pool, hot-tub, mini-sticks and stolen sit down brunch buffets didn't do the boys any favours as they lost their afternoon contest to the Livonia Knights 2-1.  The light (in weight) of the blue puck didn't help either and Lambeth should have easily had a few more goals given some more favourable bounces.  But adversity for this team equals party and after pizza, ping-pong (way to go Troops!) and nearly drowning the H.M.S. Terry Titantic Nelson the boys were ready to play Sunday morning.  And what a game it was.  Aside from the two goals some 15 year old American kid named Cooper, who drove to the arena, scored on the Lancers, it was a one sided affair and ended 10-2.  Seriously that kid made Man-beast look like a troll doll.  The team skated well, moved the puck handsomely and played great defence in front of a solid netminder.  An all around great effort.  Some highlights:
Matt Milne - great d, great vision and a solid game on forward!
Sam Basilio - played his best game in the final, went toe to toe with their "overager"
Logan Slota - The muscle to his partner's finesse, had the hit of the year against Sylvania
Cameron Reif - 2 assists and too many twists and turns to get us out of danger to mention
Cooper Kelly - 1 assist, speed and smarts, his passes often sprung our fleet forwards
Cole Smale - MVP OF THE TOURNEY - 1 GOAL, his pinches from the blue line short be a video montage to learn from
Ty Brown Nevin - stops everything he can see and most he can't, spectacular sprawls and a 1.68 G.A.A
Simon Moir - 5 goals, 6 assists - it is the passing and vision that impresses this reporter (see Matteo and Dylan)
Josh Troop - 4 goals, 3 assists - DOES HE LOSE ANY BOARD BATTLES, ANY?  tenacity at its finest
Matteo - 4 goals 2 assists and he missed a game, the beauty was on the breakaway
Parker Pigeon - 4 goals, 2 assists - played a power forward game and backchecked.....hard!
Noah Nelson - 2 goals, 3 assists - split the d for a coast to coast like chili on toast beauty!
Isaac Irwin - 2 goals, 3 assists - scud missile is always dangerous to opponents, has a thinking man's smarts on the ice
Charlie Graham - 1 goal, 2 assists - the master of the blue paint has shown other fine moves, hit two posts with some rocket shots
Dylan Dundas - 1 goal, 3 assists - another high speed beauty set up by Moir - did he mean to go five hole?  Impressive
The Smales - thanks for the tourney and the clean-up and the lost and found - Smalesy also thanks for the Seaforth Saturday Night
Terry - a true Navy Seal - ruled the pool - ORCA!
Sean Basilio - slept beside the suite, had some great two and a half men one-liners
Bella and Ryann - best Lancer babies ever - Bella partied late on Saturday
Coaches - just thanks!
Matt - for taking care of your dad and getting him on the bus outside the Joe
The BDP crew, we're bringing it back!
All the parents who didn't get lost, cheered hard, shopped, and had a great time - See you soon!